Design + Illustration
Anxious Cat


Anxious Cat

Anxious Cat

2021. Collaboration with Megha Goel. Cat statuette attached to Servo motor with distance sensors situated within the front of the box to turn the cat away as viewers draw near.

ello leaves

ello leaves

2022. Adobe Illustrator vector drawing, laser cut on 1/8” acrylic. Shapes and colors inspired by Mattel’s “Ello” toy sets from the early 2000’s.

Screen Shot 2022-02-17 at 9.03.55 AM.png
Screen Shot 2021-10-14 at 11.01.25 AM.png
Self-Affirmations Keychain

Self-Affirmations Keychain

2021. SPI connectivity between OLED1306 and Arduino Nano. Quote retrieved from the book “A Year of Positive Thinking: Daily Inspiration, Wisdom and Courage” by Cyndie Spiegel.

Moon Drive

Moon Drive

2021. Collaboration with Leia Chang. Stop Motion animation. Laser cut cardboard, handmade paper, Adobe Photoshop post-production.